
Motivational Mom of the Month - Vasavi Narayanan

We're feeling this *hot mom* S U M M E R heat as we enter July but it's not stopping us!

It's definitely not stopping our Mom of the Month who you can find at multiple classes during the week and always with a smile on her face! Please join me in getting to know our July Motivational Mom of the Month, Vasavi!

How did you find FIT4MOM Richmond and how long have you been a part of our village?

My neighbor went to FIT4MOM and so I decided to go too. I started from spring trying to work out as much as possible!

What do you love most about being part of this community?

Moms can meet and work out together and it’s nice to see myself decrease 3 kgs (that's about 6.5 lbs - Go Vasavi!)

Who are you a mom to?

I have two kids - Karthi who is 8 and Arjun who is 2.

What is your favorite thing about being a mom?

That we devote ourselves and become a kid while we take care of them and forget we are adults!

What two items would you take with you if you were shipwrecked on a deserted island where all your food and water needs were taken care of?

I will take my hammock and bike and settle there as there is food and water.

If you had a time machine, would you travel to the future or back to the past?

I will go back to a time where I lived with my mom and dad

How do you practice self-care?

Sleeping when needed, eating right and staying connected with friends and so I won’t forget who I am in the process of being a mom! Friends remind you of who you are and build you up as a whole!

Where did you grow up and how did you end up in Richmond?

I was in India till I was 23 and for the past 8 years I am in Richmond due to my husband’s job!

How did becoming a mother change you?

Everything changed ! Sleep patterns and my time was sometimes not in control of me like putting kids to bed feeding them taking to classes and having play dates and lot s of things that I never did till I was a mom!

What is the last great book or television series you've read/watched?

I watched a Tamil movie called VIKRAM which released last month. My two year old was at day care and elder at school and we went to theater to enjoy it!

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How did you meet your partner?

Office and it’s a total love story which never ends

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Entrepreneur and I became one recently

If you could choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what song would you choose and why?

Thanga Tamarai malarae—- too melodious and romantic all time favorite

If your five-year-old self suddenly found themselves inhabiting your current body, what would they do first?

I will eat whatever my mom makes without complaining and hug her as tightly as I could and try to be obedient as much as possible and sleep like welllllll… oh I already slept in dream see you all in the next class!

Vasavi, you always crack me up with your witty jokes and comments and you really are such a joy to be around! I am so glad your friend convinced you to try FIT4MOM and we're all so proud of your dedication! Thank you for sharing a little about yourself!
