
Motivational Mom of the Month - Morgan Carter

MAY! The month of celebrating M O M S! Around here we believe moms should be celebrated every month but we like to show a little extra love for Mother's Day!

Join us in showing a little extra love to our Motivational Mom of the Month, Morgan! She joined Our Village before she was expecting and undergoing IVF treatments.

How did you find FIT4MOM Richmond and how long have you been a part of our village?

One of my good friends, Lindsey, has been involved with Fit4Mom for several years in two different cities, and she inspired and encouraged me to look up the Richmond chapter and join! I have been a part of the Fit4Mom village since August 2021.

What do you love most about being part of this community?

The support! I reached out to Natalie and Kate and asked if I could join Fit4Baby before I was even pregnant. I was going through IVF treatments at the time and thought I could benefit from the workouts and being part of a supportive community. I remember being nervous for my first class, but I was only ever encouraged, supported, and welcomed, whenever I shared where I was at on my journey to getting pregnant.

Who are you a mom to or about to be mom to?

I am expecting my first child, a baby boy, July 8, 2022!

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What is your favorite thing about being a mom or becoming a mom?

I love feeling my baby's little kicks, and daydreaming about what he will look like and what it will feel like to hold him in my arms.

Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or one hundred duck-sized horses?

Definitely a horse-sized duck . . . the oversized bill might be intimidating, but the skinny legs and big webbed feet would have to be a major disadvantage.

How do you stay fit when you're not working out with FIT4MOM?

Talking lots of walks.

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How do you practice self-care?

Taking baths, going for walks, and sleeping in whenever possible!

Where did you grow up and how did you end up in Richmond?

I grew up in Chesterfield but left the area and spent my 20s living in DC, New York City, and the Outer Banks, NC. Ultimately I decided that I loved the size and pace of Richmond the most, and wanted to live near my family for a while, so I moved back to Richmond in 2010.

What is the last great book or television series you've read/watched?

Last great book was The Forest of Vanishing Stars by Kristin Harmel and my favorite television series is Yellowstone.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

A scientist . . but I also always knew I wanted to be a mom!

If your five-year-old self suddenly found themselves inhabiting your current body, what would she do first?

My five-year-old self would probably go out into the woods and build a fort out of sticks and whatever else I could find. I would be covered in dirt in no time!

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Morgan, I LOVE that you joined us before you were expecting to surround yourself with other moms. The IVF journey is not an easy one and we are so humbled to be a small part of your journey to motherhood. We are so glad your friend recommended you come try a class and we're so glad you listened!

Thank you for sharing a little bit about yourself and CONGRATULATIONS!
