
Motivational Mom of the Month - Karlie Bruns

HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2025 is here and we are ready to hit the ground running, jumping, squatting, dancing and socializing with #allthemoms! We can't wait to make this the best year yet!

To get the good times started, please join us in getting to know our January Motivational Mom of the Month, Karlie!

How did you find FIT4MOM Richmond and how long have you been a part of our village?

I joined in September 2024 after seeing an Instagram post.

What do you love most about being part of this community?

I love everything! It gives structure to our week and it motivates me to get all three of us out of the house in the morning. I also love how I get to socialize with other moms while my kids get to socialize with other kids.

Who are you a mom to?

Barrett (2.5) and Emerson (8 months)


What is your favorite thing about being a mom?

It’s hard to pick just one thing, but I honestly think just getting to watch them experience life for the first time and seeing how much joy they get out of the smallest of things.

What two items would you take with you if you were shipwrecked on a deserted island where all your food and water needs were taken care of?

My phone and a tent.

If you had a time machine, would you travel to the future or back to the past?

Probably the past, but only for a little while!

How do you practice self-care?

Getting a massage, traveling, a good weekly “everything shower.”

Where did you grow up and how did you end up in Richmond?

I grew up in the northern Chicago suburbs and lived there until I went to college at Northern Illinois University. My husband and I have been moving around since we graduated from college. We lived in Seattle for 3 years, went back to Illinois for a bit and now we are here! All of our moves have been for his job.


How did becoming a mother change you?

I feel such a sense of purpose now that I am responsible for two little childhoods. I have a major drive to be my best self now and to be constantly evolving and growing as a person so I can be the mom that they deserve.

Are you a stay at home mom or do you work outside of the home?

I spent 7 years working as a nurse in L&D/postpartum and pediatrics and now I’m a stay at home mom :)

What is the last great book or television series you've read/watched?

Most recently probably House of the Dragon.

How did you meet your partner?

At a party at his frat house when we were freshmen in college. I had gone out that night in a dress with no coat in the middle of November in Illinois and he walked me home to my dorm. I was obviously freezing and he offered to let me wear his pants for the walk… I did not accept and thought it was a very weird thing to offer, but it obviously worked because we just celebrated our 13 year anniversary!


What did you want to be when you grew up?

Always a nurse!

If you could choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what song would you choose and why?

Daylight by Taylor Swift for no reason other than I just love it.

If your five-year-old self suddenly found themselves inhabiting your current body, what would they do first?

Probably buy a bunch of Barbies and Barbie houses.

If we wanted to say hi, which classes can we find you attending?

Usually every stroller class and sometimes Strides 360 when I’m feeling brave.


Karlie, I love the story of how you met your husband! It screams college but also, how sweet of him to offer up his pants! What a guy :)

We're so glad you found your way to Richmond and to FIT4MOM! Thank you for being a part of Our Village!