
Motivational Mom of the Month - Jennifer Guillemette

I feel like we say this every month, and we probably do, but HOW is it already JUNE!? These last few weeks have been really hard with the events that have happened and it's times like this that we need to lean in to our communities and the people we love. Our moms are the top of our list!

Please join us in getting to know one of our Brand Ambassadors, Jennifer Guillemette!

How did you find FIT4MOM Richmond and how long have you been a part of our village?

My sister-in-law has been part of a FIT4MOM village in Texas for years and I saw how much fun she had so when I saw we had one here I had to check it out! I joined in October 2021 while I was transitioning to be a stay at home mom!

What do you love most about being part of this community?

The motherhood!!! I have only lived in Richmond 3 years and with the pandemic it was hard to get out and be social. I also love being part of a team and love to get involved so this was also an opportunity for that! I have found my village and I love it!

Who are you a mom to?

Addison, who is 15 months old. And two fur babies, Paris and Riley. Can’t forget my first babies!!!

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What is your favorite thing about being a mom?

Seeing the world through her eyes!!! And watching her learn each and every day! Even the smallest accomplishments are so huge and exciting!!!

Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or one hundred duck-sized horses?

One horse-sized duck. Ducks are cute and I feel like I could kick it’s butt! One hundred duck sized horses seems way scarier.

How do you stay fit when you're not working out with FIT4MOM?

We love family walks in the neighborhood at night and on weekends when my husband is home! Oh and chasing around a 15 month old is basically a workout in itself. For real though.

How do you practice self-care?

Stroller Strides IS my self care!!! I would go crazy if we didn’t get out of the house. But besides that… the occasional pedicure when I can escape, and sometimes a relaxing bath.

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Where did you grow up and how did you end up in Richmond?

I grew up in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I went to Michigan State and lived in Lansing, MI for a while after graduation. I decided to move to South Carolina for the warmth and because family had relocated there. I met my husband in Columbia, SC and I ended up in Richmond due to relocation of my husband’s job! We have been here 3 years now.

How did becoming a mother change you?

I guess I realized I have a tiny human who is completely dependent on me and my husband. A lot of decisions look different now, as we take that into account. I also never knew I could love something or someone as much as I love her!!!!

What is the last great book or television series you've read/watched?

Not going to lie, I don’t read a lot. I recently watched “In the Dark” on Netflix. It was good but I’m usually into shows like “Bridgerton,” “Virgin River,” “Sweet Magnolias,” etc….

How did you meet your husband?!!! Our first date was to see the Christmas lights at the zoo

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What did you want to be when you grew up?

Teacher or architect (I am neither ) but I also always wanted to be a mom!!

If your five-year-old self suddenly found themselves inhabiting your current body, what would she do first?

That’s a great question. I would guess I would be playing Barbies, swimming in the pool, or crafting with my mom. She was super into Rubber Stamps.

Jennifer, if our 5 year old selves met we would have a great time together! Barbies, swimming and crafts with mom was my childhood too! I always love when our moms find us because of another friend or family member who is a member somewhere else in the country! It just goes to show how big of a community FIT4MOM is! We are so glad you moved to Richmond and found us, Jennifer!

- megan