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Motivational Mom of the Month - Brittany Conte

January! It's January and I don't know about you but I can't believe it's 2023!

Do you like to make resolutions for yourself or set your intentions for the year? I'm not big on making resolutions but do resolve to continue sharing about our awesome moms 😜

And there's no better way to kick off our monthly showcase than with one of our very own Ambassadors, Brittany! You can find her at a variety of classes and moving and grooving as she leads our Mommy and Me Dance Parties!

How did you find FIT4MOM Richmond and how long have you been a part of our village?

After we moved to the area in summer 2021, I was looking for activities online to do with baby and I found Stroller Strides! JP was only 4 months old (We started beginning of September) and I had not begun to start working out again, so I felt like it was a sign to get back out there, and also hopefully make some Mom friends. When our first class was instructed by a Mom I had met at Romp n Roll- Natalie Gray, I knew it was meant to be! See JPs first class picture at Maymont below!

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What do you love most about being part of this community?

I love all the different programs and ways FIT4MOM supports us Mamas at every stage of motherhood; I personally have benefited from all the different types of workouts! And of course, all the fun activities we get to do here at FIT4MOM RVA- not only with baby, but with the whole family & our fellow Mamas on our own time too. Above all else though, I will forever be grateful for all the amazing people I have met that I never would have otherwise, and the incredible lifelong friendships I have made through this group.

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Who are you a mom to?

JP (Joseph Paul) who is 21 months old! I am also expecting another little guy to arrive in July! :)

What is your favorite thing about being a mom?

Very hard to pick just one thing, but probably seeing him experience new things and find joy in them- literally nothing better on the planet than my baby's smile/laugh. No one can prepare you for the pure joy you feel at your child's laughter.

What two items would you take with you if you were shipwrecked on a deserted island where all your food and water needs were taken care of?

Very tough- I am not a big "things" person, I would want to take JP and Joe (my husband) because we love the beach and would probably have the best time playing in the waves and sand until we were rescued, haha! As long as food included cheese and pasta, because these two cannot live without those food items.

If you had a time machine, would you travel to the future or back to the past?

Definitely the past, we lost my Dad (Paul- who JP is named after) in 2017 right before my wedding. I would love to go back and spend more time with him, especially if I could bring JP and he could meet him. It is very tough knowing my kids will never meet the most amazing man I have ever known. Luckily, my husband is pretty awesome too ;)

How do you practice self-care?

Besides taking the time to go do the Mom only classes & activities with FIT4Mom, my favorite self-care activity is getting my nails done. Every other month I take the time to go relax & focus on ME!

Where did you grow up and how did you end up in Richmond?

I was an Army Brat and technically grew up all over the country, but my family settled in Northern Virginia (Fairfax Station) when my Dad retired from the Army when I was in middle school. I was fortunate to have made lifelong friendships in high school, including with my now husband, who went to VCU for college, fell in love with Richmond, and convinced me it was the place to be, after coming to visit several times. When my husband got a job offer based down here shortly after JP was born, we thought it was the perfect time to make the move while I was still on maternity leave. Best decision we ever made!

How did becoming a mother change you?

Changed me a lot physically, body will never be the same haha! But also mentally and emotionally of course. I like to think I have become a much more patient person, of course that is tested daily. I was always a very emotional person, but being a Mom I have had to learn how to manage those emotions and keep them in check more than ever in my life. Before, I would not say I was someone who was good at "not sweating the small stuff", but now I have to pick my battles on a daily basis or I would go crazy, so that was an adjustment, but has made me a better person for sure!

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What is the last great book or television series you've read/watched?

"Where the Crawdads Sing" by Delia Owens- the book was much better than the movie, per usual. We just LOVED the new House of Dragons Series; excited for next season.

How did you meet your partner?

He was one of my best guy friends all throughout high school, and lived just up the street from me. The boy next door, who I always had a thing for. I did actually tell him I had feelings for him sophomore year, but I got no response (He jokes he had no game) and we never became a thing. Until we both moved home after college, we hung out a few times, and when I told him again I had feelings for him, this time he kissed me! Been together ever since :)

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I have always wanted to own my own Inn, which is why I went into hospitality and wanted to work for Marriott! Wanted to learn from the best to one day have my own place. I always loved hosted guests growing up, I loved when people came to stay, and always wanted sleep overs to be at my house.

If you could choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what song would you choose and why?

Maybe Katy Perry's "ROAR" for a couple reasons: lions have always been my favorite animal, and I like the message in it- stand up for yourself and don't be afraid to make noise in life!

Brittany, I feel like ROAR is a perfect entrance song for you and your bright spirit! I love your dream of opening your own inn one day too - so fun!

We are so glad you found us! We are so lucky to have your energy and enthusiasm in Our Village. Congratulations on the newest addition on the way!

- megan