
Motivational Mom of the Month - Avery Alderman

HAPPY 2024! New year same us when it comes to our awesome village of mamas!

Let's get right into it with our January Motivational Mom of the Month and newest team member, Avery!

How did you find FIT4MOM Richmond and how long have you been a part of our village?

I think I found FIT4MOM through Instagram, and I started going to Stroller Strides in February of 2023. After a few months I started exploring all of the other mom-only class options like Body Boost and Run Club, and now I’m part of the team teaching Body Boost!

What do you love most about being part of this community?

I love getting to know so many different moms in the area that are at different stages of motherhood. It’s such an easy space to share experiences and learn from each other.

Who are you a mom to?

My son, Ellis, who is almost 17 months old.


What is your favorite thing about being a mom?

Everyone tells you how fast they change, but it really is wild! I love watching Ellis learn new things and watching his personality emerge.

What two items would you take with you if you were shipwrecked on a deserted island where all your food and water needs were taken care of?

Probably running shoes and earbuds for audiobooks/podcasts!

If you had a time machine, would you travel to the future or back to the past?

I would travel to the past for sure. I'd love to see the younger versions of my family and friends, and even get to meet family members who I either never got a chance to meet or didn’t get a lot of time with.

How do you practice self-care?

Finding solo time to run, read, watch tv, or run errands by myself (aka wander around target without a screaming toddler).

Where did you grow up and how did you end up in Richmond?

I grew up in Blacksburg, moved to Williamsburg for college, and then landed in Richmond in 2014 for a teaching job in Chesterfield County.


How did becoming a mother change you?

It feels a little counterintuitive, but I think I’ve become a lot more relaxed and less anxious, even though there are now a thousand more things to be anxious about. I just feel really settled and content in this stage of life.

What is the last great book or television series you've read/watched?

Books- I’m a big fan of thrillers, and lately I’ve enjoyed several by Freida McFadden.

TV- I loved Reservation Dogs and The Bear. I also watch quite a bit of Bravo…

How did you meet your partner?

We met on a dating app in 2016, just a few days after he moved to Richmond!


What did you want to be when you grew up?

I remember wanting to be a veterinarian (along with every other elementary schooler, I’m sure), but I really wasn’t sure what I wanted to do until maybe my junior year of college when I decided to become a special education teacher. I've also always wanted to be a mom!

If you could choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what song would you choose and why?

This is a hard one. Maybe Blue Sky by the Allman Brothers. My dad played a lot of the Allman Brothers when I was growing up and that song always makes me happy.

If your five-year-old self suddenly found themselves inhabiting your current body, what would they do first?

Probably eat a ton of chocolate

Avery, I too love a good thriller so I will need to check out some of her books! I'm also going to assume that since you're from Blacksburg you have a special place in your heart for Virginia Tech - Go Hokies! 😛

Thank you for sharing a little bit about yourself with all of us. You can catch Avery at Body Boost on Saturday at 8am at Deep Run Park!

- megan